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When we first made the game, having the horses visibly gray out was a dream of ours, but we feared it would be too difficult to implement, and put it aside while we were working on more major features of the game. Fast forward to now, when we are both older and wiser (lol), we sat back and realized, with how we already have an image layering system in the game, graying out could actually be way easier to implement than we originally thought. So, of course we have to switch over to this new system! 

In V2, gray foals will be born showing their non-gray color, then, as they age, the game will layer gray over the base color, simulating a progressive graying out! This will make every gray just a tad more unique.

Maybe they will have a dark base, like this seal brown Lipizzan:

Or maybe they will be cremello and gray ever so subtly, like this Morgan:

Then of course things get even cooler when we add patterns in, like these:

But wait, there’s more.

Since we launched Legacy, researchers at UC Davis discovered that there are actually TWO gray alleles in the gray gene. So we had to add that too! In V2 there will be two gray alleles, G2 and G3, which will differently affect the speed at which horses gray out!

Are you excited for grays in V2?